Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How Do We Let Go?

Nearly every time I find myself in a challenging position or a troubled state-of-mind my friends and mentors have advised me to "let it go." They've said, in various ways, "Give these troubles to God." It sounds fantastic! Give up all my doubts, pains, anxieties, and troubles to an all-knowing Savior? I have absolutely no problem with that plan of action.

But... how do I do it?

I've never been given direction on how to "let Jesus take the wheel," or "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)I could pray, but what on earth would I say? Even if I do find the words to say, can I even mean them? I could discipline myself to read my Bible every day, but it doesn't make my worries go away. In times of great trouble, I've been able to pray whole-heartedly and fully consume myself in the desire to let God rule my life. I've cried out to him, quite literally, and asked Him to fill me with strength to persevere and tenderness to love. In those desperate times, the Lord has never failed me; I found it in myself to genuinely let go. However, most days of the week I'm not struggling with an emotional crisis where I have nothing else to turn to. I'm focused on my classes, my job, my activities, my friends, and all of the decisions I have to make. For example, this week I was anxious and stressed out over deadlines at work, putting together fundraising plans for a service trip, having time to exercise, my acceptance/denial to a study abroad program, a confusing relationship with a guy, broken relationships in my family, and friendships that aren't as strong as I want them to be. 
That's a lot of junk weighing heavy on my mind and my heart. Even though most of those things are good, feeling responsible for all of them at once isn't easy. In fact, worrying about them all completely inhibits me from being the person I want to be. I'd like to meet people around me with joy, enthusiasm, patience, and love. Sadly, when I'm overwhelmed and feeling hopeless about tough situations I face myself and those around with me with negativity. I spend my days just trying to get by, hoping desperately for a spare moment to rest and find a bit of peace. I find myself thinking that once I accomplish something, get through a class, survive Monday, etc. that I will be free to be happy. Instead, once I get through those things all I feel free to do is find my pillow. I want to feel invigorated and excited about life every single day; I want to be grateful for the amazing opportunities I have to connect with others and learn new things. I don't want to look back at my college career, or my life, and think, "I should've been happier. I should've let go of stress and focused on what's important."
Each day, I try to meditate on letting go and being obedient to God for 30 minutes or so.
To me, this feels like draining my mind and my heart of all the things that weigh me down, and filling myself up completely with faith. Even when some of the things that I drain are wonderful, amazing things, it’s so much better to be filled with Christ. It takes life-long practice to be able to fully let go, but it's always rewarding every time I try. 

Letting go of anxieties is a daily practice, and learning to give your life to God is a journey. Thankfully, I found a solid starting point that is doing amazing things for me! 

I find a quiet place, settle in, and let my mind run free for a few minutes. I think about the things most important in my life, and the things I put my effort and motivation towards. Today, I spent a while thinking about my friendships and relationships that I'm trying to improve. Then, I imagine myself without any of those things, and only with God. I picture myself in a world without any of the people I value, or any of the goals I wish to achieve. I admit that my agenda is worthless. This is not an easy task, because I don’t have to admit it to God, I have to admit it to myself. And what’s harder, I have to really believe it’s true. I have to let go of any responsibility or control over my life. This means considering everything in my world that’s most important to me: family, friends, passions, talents, dreams, abilities… and being willing to forget it. I tell myself over and over to relinquish control over those things, and let them slip out of reach. Once I've done my best to surrender, I focus all my attention on just existing with God. My only obligation is to be with God. Instead of desperation and sadness over the things I surrendered, I’m filled with peace. It’s no longer my job to achieve anything, or please anyone. It’s my job only to submerse myself in the character of God. 

In order to be disciples of Christ, we have to love Him more than anything or anyone. 
(Luke 14:25-27)

The practice I’ve begun helps me to re-center myself on that truth each and every day. I hope it might lend you some guidance in your own journey!

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